Feeling down? Here are ten tips to lift your mood now. 1. Say a prayer. Yes, get spiritual. Prayer is just another way to meditate. 2. Exercise. Go for a walk, hit the gym or just do some yoga poses or planks. The endorphins can surely boost your happiness level. 3. Fake a smile. As they say, fake it till you make it. 4. Listen to music. Music can up your mood, say studies. Get your playlist ready and relax. 5. Write down your blessings. Think about five things that you are grateful about and write it down. 6. Declutter. Start with your desk. An organized desk can give you the feel of an organized person. 7. Go for a walk. Sounds like a no-brainer. Nature has its own ways to destress you. 8. Take a deep breath. Inhale for a few seconds and hold your breath. Exhale slowly. 9. Make an easy 'to do list' and strike off the first task. (of course, after completing it.) This can give you a sense of accomplishm...
Rush's Diary
A collection of list posts, just about everything.